173 Cambridge St. - East Cambridge Built 1977
All Pictures Courtesy of the Company Journal and Cambridge Fire Dept. Web Page
Engine 3 |
"The Foam Unit"

2016 Pierce Enforcer PUC 1250/500/200F

173 Cambridge Street
Photos courtesy of Walter Grace, Chuck Lowe, Dave Walles, the Company Journal, and the Cambridge Fire Dept. Web Page
Apparatus and Station photos courtesy of Brandon Hugh, Doug Boudrow, Massfiretrucks.com, and John Parise
Tower Ladder 2 |
"The Beast From The East"

2002 Pierce Dash 95' Mid-Mount Tower

173 Cambridge Street

Ladder 2 Patch
Photos courtesy of Walter Grace, Rick Nohl, the Company Journal, and the Cambridge Fire Dept. Web Page
Apparatus and Station photos courtesy of Brandon Hugh, Doug Boudrow, Massfiretrucks.com, and John Parise
Page Last Updated: May 16, 2017 (07:40:00)