Line of Duty Deaths |
Cambridge Fire Department
Line of Duty Deaths
F.F. Charles A. Jones
Ladder Co. 1
August 27, 1968
F.F. John A. Clark
Engine Co. 6
January 12, 1974
F.F. John E. Cullinane
Ladder Co. 2
December 24, 1975
F.F. John C. Cronshaw
Engine Co. 4
December 3, 1998
F.F. Robert N. Ferrera
Engine Co. 4
August 19, 1999
F.F. Paul Monahan
Engine Co. 9
March 12, 2001
Inspector Edward J. Fowler
October 12, 2001
Captain Barry M. Bennett
Engine Co. 1
November 2, 2003
F.F. William B. Morrison
Ladder Co. 4
December 22, 2003
F.F. William Cochran
Engine Co. 6
April 11, 2006
F.F. Leonard F. Delaney
Ladder Co. 4
March 23, 2007
F.F. Michael A. Edwards
Engine Co. 8
September 7, 2009
Lieutenant Michael A. Clinton
Engine Co. 6 (Retired)
November 1, 2023
Retirees |
Members of
The Cambridge Fire Department
Who Have Passed Away
James Allen
William P. Allen
Charles T. Anderson
Jesse R. Andrews
Bernard T. Antonis
Joseph C. Arruda
Paul A. Balordi
Kenneth A. Banner
Ralph F. Barnes
Joseph F. Barrett
Thomas D. Bates
George E. Bennett
Wilfred A. Bennett
Philias P. Belanger
Anthony J. Blanchard
Paul J. Blanchard
George E. Blomquist
George E. Blomquist
Laurence A. Bolduc
Russell L. Bosworth
Frank X. Bransfield
Jeremiah J. Breen
John F. Brogan
Guy E. Brown
Philip J. Brownrigg
Daniel M. Burke
George E. Byars, Jr.
John J. Byrne
Thomas A. Byrne
John J. Callan
William Cantwell
George A. Carpenter
Donald P. Carr
Robert A. Carroll
Anthony G. Carvalho
Robert U. Cauchon
Alphonse L. Chilani
Walter H. Clancy
Frank C. Colarusso
Daniel C. Colozzi
James V. Conlin
Thomas B. Connarton
Francis J. Connelly
Edward J. Conrad
John J. Conroy
James P. Cook
Charles H. Cooke
Frederick M. Cooney
Laurence A. Corcoran
George R. Cotter
John F. Coughlin
Charles M. Coyne
Allen L. Cremins
Daniel V. Cremins
Dennis F. Cremins
John Leo Cremins
Patrick J. Cremins
William J. Cremins
William H. Crocker
Charles J. Crowley
Joseph D. Crowley
John J. Crusco
Richard C. Cully
Walter J. Currier
Edward L. Cuthbert
Joseph F. Daisy
Joseph G. Davidson
William F. Davidson
Guy F. DeBenedetto
Richard M. DeFrancisco
George D. Delany
John J. Delany
Leon J. Demartin
Edwin J. DeMont
Walter B. DeRonde
George J. Desrosiers
William A. Dias
Ralph P. Diehl
William E. Dilworth
John Domings
Edward J. Donahue
Charles F. Donohue
Lawrence E. Donovan
Timothy R. Donovan
Albert M. Donnelly
Francis S. Doyle
Edward L. Dudley
John F. Emery
Edward Ennis
Stanley C. Fabianski
John A. Fallon
Daniel J. Farren
Francis S. Fenney
Edward J. Fitzgerald
James E. Fitzgerald
Frank X. Flynn
John C. Flynn
David G. Fraser
Arthur J. Foster
Arthur L. Francis
Edward J. Frank
Thomas S. French
George H. Friel
William J. Friel
Leo P. Galvin
Clifford E. Galant
Ronald Gardner
Ernest A. Gelinas
Robert W. Gibb
Paul J. Girard
James H. Glennon
Howard J. Graham
Robert A. Gray
Edward R. Harrington
Francis J. Harrington
James S. Harrington
John P. Harrington
John F. Healey
Francis J. Higgins
Joseph B. Higgins
Timothy J. Holland
Nicholas Iannacci
Frederick P. Ikels
David C. Jenkins, Jr.
John M. Jillett
Charles Jones
William E. Joyce,Sr.
John J. Kearns
Timothy J. Keefe
Joseph D. Keohane
James J. Kelley
James P. Kelley
William J. Kelley
Vincent F. Kelley, Jr.
John F. Kenney
Maurice F. Keon
John F. Klevas
Stanley T. Kotowski
Gustave A. Kuhn, Jr.
John F. Labossiere
Jeffrey J. Landry
Arthur L. Largenton, Jr.
Maitland F. LaRose
John P. Larson, Jr.
Francis L. Lawson
William A. Lawson
Joseph J. Leary
Joseph J. Leary, Jr.
Daniel P. LeHane
William J. Lively
William W. Lusk, Jr.
Frank A. Lyghorn
Frank Lyons
Alexander M. Madden
Henry E. Maggio, Jr.
John J. Mahady
Michael J. Mahoney
John M. Mahoney
Thomas J. Mahoney
Charles J. Maliewski
Paul F. Maloney
Paul A. Mangan
Harry J. Martin
John McCabe
William J. McCabe, Jr.
Robert E. McCleery
George W. McCoy
Michael J. McDonald
Patrick L. McDonnell
Donald McElearney
Robert W. McGrath
Charles F. McLaughlin
William M. McMahon
Ronald F. Melin
Andrew J. Merrick
Evariste H. Metevier
George W. Mickle
Martin P. Molloy
Lawrence F. Morrissey
Robert J. Morrissey
Vincent L. Moynihan
Robert F. Muchata
Joseph A. Mullen
James E. Mulrey
Andrew R. Murphy
Charles P. Murphy
Daniel F. Murphy
Edward T. Murphy
Francis E. Murphy
Francis J. Murphy
Joseph J. Murphy
Richard J. Murphy
Thomas W. Murphy
James J. Nagle
Laurence Navin
William F. Nowosielski
Cornelius J. Obrien
Frank J. Oliver
Robert B. O’Neill
Philip A. Paris
Joseph A. Perroni
Emile A. Poirier
Melvin L. Ponte
Donald J. Redding
Daniel J. Reagan
Peter M. Reagan
John F. Rielly
Joseph E. Roberts
Clarence J. Robillard
Joseph C. Robillard
Edward L. Rose
William T. Rose
William J. Ross
Robert Ruffing
Patrick V. Russell
Harry A. Ryan
Martin P. Ryan, Jr.
William C. Ryan
William F. Scally
Joseph A. Schifferdecker
Douglas R. Scholl
Edward J. Sdankus
Gerald R. Sears
Walter F. Seeley
James Sexton
Leo J. Shallow
Herbert F. Shea
Joseph D. Sheehan
William E. Sheehan
John S. Shinkwin
Thomas D. Short
Edward H. Silva
William R. Skelley, Jr.
Richard J. Smith
Thomas E. Smith
David F. Southwick
Manuel Souza
Robert P. Souza
George H. Spindler
Arthur X. St. Sauveur
George W. Stansbury
Robert M. Stewart
James H. Sullivan
Thomas Sullivan
William E. Sullivan
William L. Sullivan
Francis J. Sweeney
Matthew S. Tanko
John J. Tatton
George W. Thorpe
Arthur W. Tisdale
John B. Toomey
Harold J. Travers
Manuel G. Travers
Jean Paul Turgeon
Ralph Underwood
Eldon T. Urquhart
Joseph J. Volpe
Julio T. Volpe
David A. Walsh
Robert L. Walsh
Laurence J. Watts
Timothy F. White
Frank E. Wood
Henery O. Yeagle
Fire Fighter's Prayer |
The Fire Fighter's Prayer

When I am called to duty God…
Wherever flames may rage…
Give me strength to save a life whatever be its age.
Let me embrace a little child…
Before it is too late…
Or save an older person from the horror of that fate…
Enable me to be alert…
And hear the weakened shout…
And quickly and efficiently…
Put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling…
To give the best in me…
To guard my friend and neighbor…
And protect their property.
And, if…according to Your will…
While on duty I must answer death's call…
Bless with your protecting hand…My family, one and all.
Fire Fighter's Ritual |
Fire Fighter's Ritual
Memory is the priceless heritage of the ages. It is the echoing voice of happy days experience, sad emotions, fond recollections, beautiful friendships, and the comradeship of those whose hearts were true.
“Today we are alone with our memories of those brave Fire fighters of the City of Cambridge who have not returned from the ‘Last Alarm!’ Tradition tells us they are dead; reason tells us they are absent for a while, memory tells us they will be with us all the days of our lives; and faith tells us we shall someday meet them again.
“In the midst of their earthly activities, the pale rider came and singled them to the realms of Eternity. Obedient to duty they laid down their tasks and with fearless smiles on their lips, they responded to the decree from the Great White Throne of eternal love beyond the azure skies.
“Within the enshrouding soil, their mortal bodies repose, so that beloved ones might pilgrimage thither with fragment flower-tokens of affectionate remembrance, but the souls of our departed brothers are on the wings of angels, bound for the far distant shores of eternal bliss, where Thy Almighty Spirit of perfect love will hand to each the priceless gift of immortality.
“Each wind that sweeps back to us from the eternal shores bears the admonishing voices of our departed brothers, who seek to tell that life is short and time is fleeting; the voices tinged with affection and clarified with the wisdom of their new adventure, whisper that it is best for earthly joy to honor our parents, hold as sacred the veneration of The Supreme Being, practice faithfulness in all things, develop fine spirit and high courage, engender generosity to friends, neighbors, and the stranger within our gates, help the unfortunate, fill the hearts with melodious music of tolerance and mercy, be true to our GOD, our homes and our country, and all the days of our lives let our hearts be softened to the beautiful dictates of justice.
“And, thus, dear brothers, when we too respond to our last alarm, we shall find our departed brothers, waiting with the light of love in their eyes to lead us to The Eternal Father who rewards those who love truth, practice charity, honor chastity and stand with justice.
“With deepest reverence, dear brothers, let us bow the head for a little while and say our silent prayer for the repose of the souls of our departed brothers, who never came back from ‘The Last Alarm.’ AMEN”
Page Last Updated: Nov 15, 2023 (11:59:00)